
Magic 3 Step Blueprint to Dominating Niches

A niche market is a focused, targeted portion of a market. In this case the internet. You can sell to the whole world online from the comfort of your home if you really want but the key is that your marketing has to be focused.

Your products must to be focused.

Your business must to be focused.

Your Market that you are targeting must be focused.

And this is the essence of Niche Marketing.

The following three step blueprint will show you how you too can dominate niches and make money online. Before I proceed, this article is targeted (focused) to those who would like to promote other people's digital products with the aim of selling their own.

Those who promote and sell other people's products are known as affiliates.

Step ONE... Locate

The First Step to making tons of money online on the internet is to know WHO you are selling to, and find out what they want.

Then you just give it to them.

Give people what they want and you will always make money.

Step TWO... Infiltrate

Find a product to promote to your people. That's right, they are your people, after all you have located them.

Market the product that solves your niches problem better than your competition. Sell the product to them as an affiliate and split the money with the vendor.

While you're at it, get their email address.

Now you have done two things:

1. Found out there ARE buyers in the market. 2. Have a list of customers that are interested in that market

Research and find out if there's anything else they want in this product. How, you may ask? Just ASK them. Find a forum where your target market hangs out and ask them. You'll be surprised at the answers you get.

Step THREE... Dominate

Create a newer and better product for your customers. Sell your product directly to them, and reap 100% of the profit.


You have just dominated a niche.

Now Rinse and Repeat.

As simple as it sounds, this is the "magic 3 step blueprint" to Dominating Niches.

by Jay Justice

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